Fixed issue when refreshing Google Photos media items in slideshow.
Fixed issue when reopening minimized Mac windows.
Updated RevenueCat dependency.
Fixed iOS 12 issue on the new Source Configure screen.
Fixed dark mode on the new Source Configure screen.
Improved loading states.
Version 4.37
February 2025
Updated Google Photos integration to meet the latest requirements, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience.
Added a warning message in time picker explaining that very short slide intervals may affect photo loading times.
Other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 4.36.1
February 2025
Fixed paywall glitch: Whoops! I gave new users full access for free in the last update. I've now fixed the paywall issue, so everything's back to normal and working as expected. Thanks for understanding!
Version 4.36
February 2025
Improved slideshow experience on Mac: The cursor now automatically hides during slideshows and reappears along with controls when you click anywhere.
Added the ability to copy User ID to clipboard in About screen.
Fixed issue with image content mode always showing fill.
Fixed share button visibility to only show when slideshow is actively playing content.
Version 4.35
February 2025
Added an option to display lens information in the slideshow caption overlay (thanks to Jens for the suggestion!).
Fixed issue with image content mode always showing fill.
Fixed issue with Purchases SDK and the latest Xcode version.
Version 4.34
January 2025
Bienvenue en français! The app is now fully translated! Thanks, Louis, for the suggestion!
Introduced the ability to choose from multiple transition types for a more customized experience.
Implemented functionality to update or remove image metadata directly from the image metadata screen.
Improves Settings screen.
Version 4.33
September 2024
Introduced a new analytics dependency to enhance product insights and improvements.
Fixed an issue where the image date caption wasn't respecting the selected order. (Thanks to Andreas for pointing it out!).
Added user id to the send feedback email.
Version 4.32
September 2024
Added content description type for slideshow title caption options (special thanks to Jeffrey for the suggestion!).
Fixed an issue where the "Show higher resolution images" toggle wasn't working in some cases (thanks, Thomas!).
Resolved an issue with the network monitor.
Added a note about the unavailability of the Apple Images title.
Fixed a bug where humidity information wasn't displayed correctly when large text was enabled (thanks, Thorsten!).
Fixed the issue where the disclosure indicator image on cells was not very noticeable in dark mode.
Version 4.31
April 2024
Enhanced precision in retrieving air quality data for the device's current location.
Optimized the arrangement of on-screen information in the slideshow settings.
Resolved issue with the 'Photo Library Restricted' banner action button malfunctioning on MacOS.
Updated App privacy manifest.
Fixed issue with sorting collections and albums.
Added breadcrumbs logging to improve error logging.
Improves Color Picker view.
Version 4.30
March 2024
Fixed issue that slideshow was exitting in some cases when retreiving Weather information.
Improved account and subscription details information.
Improved localized strings for multiple languages.
Replaced the old Twitter logo for the new X logo.
Improved error logging.
Version 4.29.2
March 2024
Resolved the issue where the incorrect image was being shared during slideshow presentations in shuffle mode. Thanks to Gerry for reporting it.
Version 4.29
March 2024
The MacOS version of the App has arrived. π
Added support for multiple windows.
Added Apple Weather for devices running on iOS 16+.
Introduced the option to switch between folders view and albums view in the App Settings.
Fixed the loading indicator color in the dark theme.
Corrected issues with Mexican Spanish localized strings.
Cleaned up unused code and dependencies.
Version 4.28
February 2024
Added Favorite photos album for Google Photos source.
Added Folders for the Photo Library source.
Added the option for the user to share feedback from the App Icon shortcut.
Set miminum deployment target for devices running on iOS 12.
Removed Cocoapods dependencies from the project.
Removed Realm dependency from the project.
Version 4.27
October 2023
Added the option to share an image directly from the slideshow.
Added animations when showing and hiding options on the slideshow settings.
Fixed videos that were stored in iCloud were sometimes cut off.
Fixed "See All" button was sometimes not fully displayed.
Fixed Google Photos slideshows were not updating automatically (thanks Ryo ito).
Support for devices running iOS 9.2 has been discontinued, in line with Apple's updated guidelines making mandatory development for 64-bit devices.
Version 4.26
October 2023
Fixed shuffling not working properly with large selection of albums and images.
Improved loading albums on the home screen and collections screen.
Version 4.25
September 2023
Added the option to show the Photo Library Albums with the default custom order like in the Photos App.
Fixed issue when loading Google Photos albums.
Improved LivePhoto and Video slideshow configuration options.
Version 4.24
August 2023
Added a tip message on the main screen to tell user when the App doesn't have photo library permission.
Improved App performance when fetching albums and images from the library.
Improved restoring Google Sign if needed when the user comes back to the App.
Improved App design.
Improves empty state design.
Improved localized texts.
Version 4.23
July 2023
Added Smart Face-Aware Image Content Mode that takes into account face detection, ensuring that people's faces remain visible when scaling the image to fill the screen.
Added the option to clear App cache in the Settings screen.
Improved Slideshow performance.
Version 4.22
July 2023
Added a diagnostics section the App Settings to either enable or disable diagnostics logs.
Added image content mode and background type preview mode.
Improved overall design of the App and adds easter egg.
Improved performance when loading media items.
Fixed "What's New" screen sometimes showing title not in the right place.
Improved image content mode preview mode.
Improved App performance.
Version 4.21
June 2023
Improved Changelog format.
Improved Realm write transactions.
Fixed issue when writing debug logs and the device running out of space.
Fixed issue when refreshing weather data during the slideshow.
Removed AppCenter dependency from the project.
Version 4.20
May 2023
Fixed issue that was causing Google Photos in some cases not loading.
Improved fetching Weather data.
Fixed chevron on same cells being different.
Added the option for users to leave a rating.
Version 4.19
May 2023
Added the option to configure the format of current date and time on the slideshow.
Added crash reporting tools.
Fixed crash when trying to sort collection content by localized title.
Improved App performance by moving some code to the background.
Improved Changelog screen style.
Version 4.18.1
May 2023
Fixed the issue that the App was crashing on specific iOS versions and configurations when starting a slideshow.
Version 4.18
April 2023
Now the App reduces the screen brightness automatically when the slideshow timer is active.
Implements the option to change the order, format, and type of the slideshow on-screen image information.
Re-designed edit content screen so it's easier to choose what content to show on the main screen.
Improved design of the slideshow on-screen information views.
Improved design of the Settings screens.
Improve the date/time format on the slideshow screen using the format of the device locale instead.
Added description about how to view hidden assets in iOS 16.
Version 4.17
February 2023
Improved style and icon colors on the settings screens.
Updated Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.
Fixed issue with the background color on Dark Mode.
Version 4.16
February 2023
Shows the number of media items on the smart albums subtitle.
Improved App styling to mimic the system App.
Fixed showing the wrong date picker style for iOS 13 and above.
Version 4.15
May 2022
Fixed issue when loading Google Photos.
Fixed device date not showing in the device language.
Fixed photos dates not showing in the device language.
Improved icons.
Version 4.14
March 2022
Give the user the option to choose either to loop or not to loop.
Video slides with autoplay off will now have the same duration as image slides.
Videos were sometimes being cut off when they were not loading right away. Now, when a video takes a few seconds to load the video will still be played the whole length.
Removed NVActivityIndicatorView dependency.
Version 4.13
March 2022
Improved UX for selecting albums and images.
Improved hiding smart albums without media content.
Fixed issue collection view cells sometimes now resizing properly on some devices.
Fixed in German Select All label being too large.
Version 4.12
January 2022
Happy New Year! π
Fixed issue with albums not refreshing properly on the main screen.
Improved descriptions on the App settings.
Version 4.11
December 2021
Added file name sorting for photo library albums and moments.
Shows source type to the sources screen.
Fixed dark mode not working properly on iOS 15 for some edge cases.
Version 4.10.1
December 2021
Fixed restoration state crash.
Version 4.10
October 2021
Added color name on the color picker views.
Added the option to fetch original image sizes.
Added debug logs.
Fixed deselect all not working for the media items inside the albums.
Improved Google Photos localized strings.
Improved layouts for larger accessibility fonts.
Improved Changelog formatting.
Version 4.9
September 2021
Added the option to show/hide hidden assets from your library.
Improved Google Photos API Token usage.
Improved adding/removing sources for Google Photos.
Changed search action to see all action in the main screen for Google Photos Shared albums.
Fixed bugs & crashes.
Version 4.8.3
August 2021
Improved creation date from EXIF info. If not available then the digitized date from EXIF info. If not available then the creation date from TIFF info. If not available the last resort will be the creation date property from the Apple API (which may display the timezone difference).
Fixed showing sometimes multiple Google Photos Shared Albums sources when re-opening the App.
Version 4.8.2
June 2021
Fixed application crashing due to a network dependency
Version 4.8
May 2021
Added Google Photos shared albums.
Added the option to display only the day of the photo.
Added mandatory Sign in with Apple button.
Fixed pause/resume issue with albums
Improved localization for different languages.
Version 4.6
April 2021
Added the option to display Google Photos date if available on the slideshow caption.
Fixed Google Photos token issue.
Fixed shuffling not working properly after pausing the slideshow.
Version 4.5
March 2021
Fixed Google Photos token expiring.
Version 4.4
February 2021
Fixed Google Photos token expiring.
Version 4.3
December 2020
Fixed issue when selecting multiple albums on Google Photos.
Fixed sometimes not all the photos from a Google Photos album were being displayed.
Fixed Google Photos albums not auto-refreshing when displaying a slideshow.
Version 4.2
September 2020
Added Google Photos support.
Improved media shuffling.
Version 4.1
August 2020
Added the option to choose the text color and background color on the slideshow screen information.
Added media file name to the collection detail screen on iPads.
Fixed the issue that the main screen was not showing the content in some cases.
Improved date & time formatting on the slideshow captions.
Version 4
August 2020
New transition types like page curl and rotate.
Added example images for the different content mode types.
Added extra large font type for the on-screen information boxes.
Added Captions for Videos.
Fixed issue with memory management.
Fixed the issue with the sorting not working in the Albums.
Fixed flicker user search not working properly.
Slow transition effect is now slower.
Improved Captions for Images
Fixed the issue with labels on the slideshow not resizing to fit the content.
Removed SwiftyUserDefaults dependency.
Version 3.6.5
June 2020
Fixed the issue with the sorting not working in the Albums.
Version 3.6.4
May 2020
Fixed the issue that setting the yearly price was crashing for some languages.
Fixed the issue that the creation date was disappearing for the videos on the slideshow.
Restore purchases sometimes was taking too long.
Version 3.6.3
April 2020
Fixed the issue with the slideshow being cropped when using it as a split view along with other apps.
Improved subscription page information.
Version 3.6.2
March 2020
Added Lifetime access to in-App purchases.
Updated Purchases dependency.
Fixed the issue that the device location was not being updated properly sometimes.
Removed Fabric (Crashlytics) dependency, using AppCenter instead.
Version 3.6.1
February 2020
Added Google Photos as a source (Waiting for Google API Approval).
Fixed the issue that the font size on the slideshow information boxes was not changing unless restarting the slideshow.